zaterdag 13 februari 2010


o-ow, i really have to make some time to update my blog...
Allready two weeks have passed, time flies in Denmark.
So what have I been doing these first two weeks? Let me think!
The first week we moved it to our appartment and tried to make it more of our own. It worked very well, I allready feel very much at home in our cosy little crib! I'm a little bit dissapointed that it is kind of far away from the city and school. I must say I'm not used to walking an hour every day, but I think it will do me well. ( I hope you're proud of me daddy!!)
I was very curious about the school, the people and the lessons... it was all very exiting!
I was very happy to found out there were so many people from different countries present here. It's going to be great all together.
During the first week we got the asignment to make a litlle powerpoint about our country or our city... it was a nice way to found out something more about other countries.
We did our presentation about our beloved studentcity Ghent. It made me realise what a nice city it really is, and for a minute I longed for home... Especially 'DE GENTSE FEESTEN'!
Some of the erasmus students think about comming to de gentse feesten. It would really be great!!! What a party that will be, i can't imagine!
In the first week we visited some practise places. I went together with Loes (my roommate and classmate in belgium) and Kari (one of the sweetest girls i know from norway) to a primary school were we vistited the 1st grade. It is simular to the 1st grade in Belgium, were the children learn to read, write and do mathematics. It was suprising to see how much the schoolsystem is different from the one in Belgium!!
In Denmark there is a very loose atmosphere. The children can walk around free in the classroom, they eat together in the classroom, and the teachers are calles by their first name.
I'm not going to write all my impressions about the visit here on my blog, I will save that for my paper.
So that's all for now folks
Love and greeting

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