zaterdag 13 februari 2010

I'm Belgian, and damn sure proud to be one!

The responsible teacher for international relations and erasmusstudents, Jette talked to us about different stereotypes. She asked us what we tought danish people would be like when we first arrived in Denmark.
I thought Danish people were very tall and had blue eyes and blonde hair. That was partly true but not all Danes are like that.
I was told that the people here are very friendly, kind and helpfull. That is true, but you yourself have to be open towards them, then they will tell you everything and help you whenever and wherever.
I heard also that Denmark was very expensive. Unfortunatly that is also true, the food and drinks here are very expensive.
We also had to think about some things that is typical for our own country. Of course anyone who knows a little bit about Belgium, can say we are well known for our dellicious beer, chocolate and french fries. Belgium has a good reputation when it comes to food en haute cuisine. And so we love eating out and enjoy a lovely evening with friends or family.
Belgium also has great sports(wo)men, Like our Tennisgirls/woman Kim, Justine and Yanina... and of course our footballteams and then you have Tommeke Boonen... :-)
Begian people are also known to be hard workers... as you can see when looking at me :-) just kidding!

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