zaterdag 13 februari 2010

I'm Belgian, and damn sure proud to be one!

The responsible teacher for international relations and erasmusstudents, Jette talked to us about different stereotypes. She asked us what we tought danish people would be like when we first arrived in Denmark.
I thought Danish people were very tall and had blue eyes and blonde hair. That was partly true but not all Danes are like that.
I was told that the people here are very friendly, kind and helpfull. That is true, but you yourself have to be open towards them, then they will tell you everything and help you whenever and wherever.
I heard also that Denmark was very expensive. Unfortunatly that is also true, the food and drinks here are very expensive.
We also had to think about some things that is typical for our own country. Of course anyone who knows a little bit about Belgium, can say we are well known for our dellicious beer, chocolate and french fries. Belgium has a good reputation when it comes to food en haute cuisine. And so we love eating out and enjoy a lovely evening with friends or family.
Belgium also has great sports(wo)men, Like our Tennisgirls/woman Kim, Justine and Yanina... and of course our footballteams and then you have Tommeke Boonen... :-)
Begian people are also known to be hard workers... as you can see when looking at me :-) just kidding!

OK computer

The one thing that I wished for not to happen, happened...
My computer broke...
I went to a local computerstore and they said my hard disk is fried; How could that be? They could't give me an explanation. So here I stand with my broken laptop in the middle of Denmark. Luckely I still have my sweet parents and sister who are more worried about me than anybody. My mum suggested to buy another one immediatly, I'm so lucky to have such great parents, and of course a killersister who took care of the practical things. And so Loes her brother is comming on a visit very soon (actually i'm staying up late to wait for him) and he will bring my brand new laptop among other things... (I hope the car is still driving with all the extra luggage from Loes, Ine, Caroline and me) It will be the best valentinesgift ever!!! Though it's not from a lover, it's from people who i love more than words can say.
And so after a long struggle (we also had problems to get internet) tomorrow Marie Claus will be wireless in Denmark too!!!
Prepare yourselves for lots and lots of news....

What do we eat?

One thing is sure, we will not starve to death.
The first two weeks we have eaten a lot of things. All tough we (my roommate, Loes, and 2 neigbours, Ine and Caroline) are not the most talented chefs, we try to make the best of it every day. And really we are not bad at all. Especially the spaghetti!! That was a big succes! But not only the spaghetti, the salmon, koteletten, sausages... were very tasty. Yesterday we went to a local grill. I ate a real cheeseburger with french fries. Mmmmm, it was sooo good, and allthough they weren't really belgian fries, they were very good.
So mum, don't worry, I'm not starving to death!!
Today we did our first basket of laundry, again something we are not so familiar with. But after some searching and (and some help from a kind neigbour) we found out how the waching machine works, with good results!! Our clothes are wearable again!! They smell like a sunny summerday!
So that was the practical side of erasmus in a nutshell.


o-ow, i really have to make some time to update my blog...
Allready two weeks have passed, time flies in Denmark.
So what have I been doing these first two weeks? Let me think!
The first week we moved it to our appartment and tried to make it more of our own. It worked very well, I allready feel very much at home in our cosy little crib! I'm a little bit dissapointed that it is kind of far away from the city and school. I must say I'm not used to walking an hour every day, but I think it will do me well. ( I hope you're proud of me daddy!!)
I was very curious about the school, the people and the lessons... it was all very exiting!
I was very happy to found out there were so many people from different countries present here. It's going to be great all together.
During the first week we got the asignment to make a litlle powerpoint about our country or our city... it was a nice way to found out something more about other countries.
We did our presentation about our beloved studentcity Ghent. It made me realise what a nice city it really is, and for a minute I longed for home... Especially 'DE GENTSE FEESTEN'!
Some of the erasmus students think about comming to de gentse feesten. It would really be great!!! What a party that will be, i can't imagine!
In the first week we visited some practise places. I went together with Loes (my roommate and classmate in belgium) and Kari (one of the sweetest girls i know from norway) to a primary school were we vistited the 1st grade. It is simular to the 1st grade in Belgium, were the children learn to read, write and do mathematics. It was suprising to see how much the schoolsystem is different from the one in Belgium!!
In Denmark there is a very loose atmosphere. The children can walk around free in the classroom, they eat together in the classroom, and the teachers are calles by their first name.
I'm not going to write all my impressions about the visit here on my blog, I will save that for my paper.
So that's all for now folks
Love and greeting

dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Blog goes English!!

From now on my blog will be in English!!
So the other students and teachers can understand it too...
It will be a little more difficult but I will try my best not to make a lot of mistakes. I think it will not be a big problem. I like wrighting in English but the qwerty keyboard is starting to get on my nerves. I will get used to it I guess. And when I go home the azerty will get on my nerves... Oh well, No problem I'll get trough it...

maandag 1 februari 2010


Eindelijk eens een momentje dat ik op internet kan.
Hmmm... Qwerty wordt een uitdaging! Dus excuses voor typfouten!
Na een lange reis (auto-vliegtuig-trein-trein-bus-auto) kwamen we aan in ons appartementje...
Het is er gewellig, we hebben elk een grote kamer en per 2 een badkamer. ( Ik deel een appartement met lieve Loes)
Jammer genoeg hebben we nog geen internet op het appartement maar dit zou nog in orde komen. Hopelijk heel snel, het contact met het thuisfront en het gevoel van herkenning is wel belangrijk voor ons allemaal. Buiten het feit dat we nog geeen internet hebben is tot overmaat van ramp mijn laptop ook nog eens stuk... Ik snap het niet goed. De eerste dag werkte het ding perfect en de tweede dqg kreeg ik hem niet meer aan de praat. Nu vraagt hij steeds weer om een paswoord. Ik heb helemaal geen paswoord!!!! Mijn grootste nachtmerrie is uitgekomen. Mjah, ik blijf kalm em rustig! Zo ben ik nu eenmaal zeker? Straks naar de computerwinkel en eens kijken of zij dat wachtwoordprobleem kunnen omzeilen. Anders ga ik wel beginnen paniekeren.
Ons appartement ligt tamelijk ver van het dorpje (half uur stappen) Dat is wel spijtig. Kheb eigenlijk spijt dat ik niet met de auto gekomen ben. Het is maar 8 uurtjes rijden naar hier.
Het stadje is zeer gezellig, er is een groot meer dat momenteel bedekt ligt met een dikke ijslaag met daarboven nog eens een dikke sneeuwláag. Er zijn veel winkels (ook H&M en Mango... joepie!!!!)
Vanmorgen hadden we onze eerste bijeenkomst, dus om half 9 vertrekken op ons appartement, een halfuur wandelen en om 9 uur op school... Dat was effe lastig. Morgen moeten we om kwart na 8 al op school zijn, ik zie er een beetje tegenop. Maar ze gingen kijken of ze buskaartjes kunnen krijgen voor ons. Fietsen gaat nog niet omdat dit nog te gevaarlijk is: Met "ze" bedoel ik Jette, Charlotte en Tove, dit wijn de 3 verantwoordelijken voor erasmus. Ze zijn heel vriendelijk en familiair, zeker Jette.
In totaal zijn we met 27 studenten die op erasmus zijn. Onder andere van spanje, Noorwegen, Turkije, Polen, Tsjechië... België is het beste vertegenwoordigd met 7 vlamingen en 4 Walen:
Er ligt hier heel veel sneeuw en elke nacht sneeuwt het nog een beetje bij. Kheb spijt dat ik mijn moonboots niet meeheb... jaja alweer had ik naar mijn lieve mama moeten luisteren!! Ik denk dat ik toch maar best sneeuwschoenen koop, ik ben immers al 4 keer gevallen...
Zo... dit was al een korte update van mijn erasmus-avontuur.. Ik hoop dat ik snel terug op internet kan voor nog meer nieuws en foto's!
Dikke kussen en warme knuffels!!!
Veel liefs